Left Behinds

The anti-andrewsullivan.com. Or, the Robin Hood (Maid Marian?) of bright pink Blogger blogs.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Savagely in Love with Ex-Gays, Daniel Vosovic, and Andy Samberg

I'm not a Dan Savage reader, but I love two things he's written lately.

The first was an ode to my two current celebrity crushes, Daniel Vosovic (the Project Runway frontrunner who could be in The Strokes) and Andy Samberg (the disappointingly with-girlfriend star of "Lazy Sunday"). Apparently this particular crush combo has become a gay cliche, in which case I only wonder why more men-loving men don't emulate the style and demeanor of these two adorably goofy gamines.

The second, and more serious bit of Savage wisdom is this fresh take on Brokeback Mountain (I will magnanimously grant clemency for his misuse of the term gay cowboys):

What should really trouble evangelicals, however, is this: even if every gay man became ex-gay tomorrow, there still wouldn't be an ex-lesbian tomboy out there for every ex-gay cowboy. Instead, millions of straight women would wake up one morning to discover that they had married a Jack or an Ennis. Restaurant hostesses and receptionists at hair salons would be especially vulnerable.

...If anyone reading this believes that gay men can actually become ex-gay men, I have just one question for you: Would you want your daughter to marry one?

Seriously, who in their right minds wants more ex-gays running around using their sensitivity, charm, and passion for womenswear to seduce our naive, vulnerable daughters into de-sexed, Will and Grace pseudo-marriages?

Having said that, the abovementioned Daniel Vosovic has called himself "80/20 bi", and it is my firm opinion that if the abovementioned Andy Samberg were ever in an empty room with me for ten minutes, he would emerge either gay or ex-gay. I passionately believe in bisexuality. Without the argument that everyone is to some extent bisexual, I would lose half my sexual partners (especially the adorably gullible ones). That's why I say, no to ex-gays, yes to pre-gays!

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  • At 1:09 AM, Blogger Solomon Grundy said…

    Hm, nope, it's Andy. But it's interesting that "Adam Samberg" has replicated itself all over the web. I guess it's cuz he's Jewish. But he's my cute lil Andy.

  • At 5:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    As I browse through LB, I can't emphasize how glad I am that I posted that photo of Andy Samberg. He is the definition of cute.

  • At 11:02 PM, Blogger Antid Oto said…

    "Adam Samberg" has replicated itself because people are getting his name mixed up with Adam Sandler. I think.

  • At 1:08 AM, Blogger Solomon Grundy said…

    Ah, good point, I bet you're right.

    However, I hope you are not tacitly comparing my irresistably cool and cute Andy with the irritatingly fratty and hideous Adam Sandler.

  • At 9:50 AM, Blogger Raging Red said…

    80/20 bi? I had no idea. So perhaps my fantasy three-way could come true someday...

  • At 5:47 PM, Blogger Solomon Grundy said…

    Heh yeah, I read that in my "prep" for this entry (i.e., the hour I spent giddily scouring the web for writings about him). He even has ex girlfriends who didn't know he was into guys until the show aired...

  • At 8:48 PM, Blogger Ed Price said…

    For more on Andy...

    Check out our blog on Andy Samberg: http://www.andysamberg.blogspot.com/

  • At 3:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This may be a stupid question but which is the 80 and which is the 20?


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