Left Behinds

The anti-andrewsullivan.com. Or, the Robin Hood (Maid Marian?) of bright pink Blogger blogs.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Because some people Just Don't Fucking LISTEN

I warned you about this shit, Georgie.

Gov. George E. Pataki vetoed the Legislature's multibillion dollar tax cut plan on Wednesday along with more than $2 billion in new spending initiatives, calling them an irresponsible squandering of the state's multibillion-dollar surplus.
The flurry of vetoes by Mr. Pataki began shortly before midnight Tuesday and continued into Wednesday afternoon, and blocked increases in funding to more than a hundred programs. There were cuts of several hundred million dollars for Medicaid programs, more than $2 million from Legal Aid programs around the state and $19 million earmarked for the Metropolitan Transit Authority.
But it was the governor's veto of a broad package of tax cuts that struck at the heart of the Legislature's budget proposal. "These are not vetoes that I would have preferred not to have to make," he said, adding that the legislature's budget created "fiscal difficulties, very real ones for this state."

Since you just ignored my earlier, fairly polite request to stop putting your ludicrous presidential ambitions in front of your real job (which is to shut up and get out of the way), I'm going to have to get nasty.

1. You have a very bad combover and jowls.

2. Even for a Republican you're an intellectual lightweight. You have no meaningful policy ideas, nothing to contribute to the national dialogue. Can you even explain what you want to do as President? Even George W. Bush had policy ideas, albeit very shallow, stupid ones. You're the walking definition of an empty suit, yet oddly enough your suits never seem to fit you right.

3. Your one big chance was to rebuild the World Trade Center site. It's still a big hole in the ground and everybody hates you.

4. You can't speak without sounding like an idiot. "These are not vetoes that I would have preferred not to have to make," indeed.

5. You are leaving your own state's Republican Party in the worst shape it has ever been. You got reelected largely thanks to the weakness of your opponents, and have shown time and again that you lack even the most elementary political skills.

In summary: you are dumb, uncharismatic, middlingly competent at best, not politically savvy, and somewhere between homely and plain. You were decent on the environment, I'll give you that. But YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BE PRESIDENT.

If meditation doesn't do it for you, take up pot. Play golf. Write a book no one will read. I don't care. Just shut the fuck up and sit in the corner until Eliot Spitzer takes over. Try not to break anything.

Tags: George Pataki, New York, politics


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