The 2006 Second Annual Left Behinds Hottest Gay Journalist In New York Awards
It's time to once again crown the Hottest Gay Journalist In New York. This contest, as you may remember, is open to all male newspaper, TV, and magazine reporters/writers (not always technically journalists, true, but there are just so many more gay magazine writers than gay newspaper journalists) living in the New York area who identify or can be identified as gay, bi, queer, etc. As a prize, last year's winner was made editor of Radar Magazine. This year's winner will get to go on an all-expense-paid, luxury date with a very hot young celebrity blogger.
After brainstorming with friends and colleagues at the Left Behinds headquarters (actually a BBQ in Park Slope this Saturday, along with a follow-up mass drunkemail), we came up with some initial nominees. Please vote or nominate others either in the comments or via email.
Without further ado, the 2006 nominees, in alphabetical order:

Christopher Bollen
This editor of V Magazine, art critic for Artforum, The Believer, and the New York Times, and Number One Fan of Joan Didion was spotted on Gay Pride Sunday watching fireworks with an almost impossibly hot young man with a shaved head, so it is unclear if he is single. However, Me Magazine seems to think he's hot, so you might, too.

Anderson Cooper
I hesitate to include him, because his giggle attack on the Daily Show has apparently endeared him to everyone to the left of Mary Cheney, and I'm afraid he might be the runaway winner. For me, "hot" includes longstanding, reliable progressive values, and I for one don't buy the Katrina crocodile tears of this former host of The Mole and epigone of the Vanderbilt dynasty. But you guys are the nominators... All I can do is try to choose ridiculous photos.

David France
This contributor to New York Magazine and author of a bestseller about the sins of the Catholic Church was actually nominated by another of this year's nominees. Might this contest become the Super Sperm Club of Gay New York?

Linda Greenhouse
He's been writing about the Supreme Court at the New York Times for years now, you've enjoyed his punditry on PBS's News Hour, and the only question remaining is: are the rumors true that he's gay? We're not sure, but we're going to cross our fingers and include him.

Patrick Healy
This New York Times political reporter won me over the first time he traded barbs with some right-wing nutjob on NY1's Inside City Hall. He's like the hotter, smarter Ben Affleck. Oh, and he kind of always looks like he partied too hard the night before, yet is reliably clever.

Richard Kim
This Nation contributor and leading light of the queer left is writing a book about sex and empire, and one of our nominators suggested he "wouldn't mind some nation-building from" RK. Keep it PG-13, tiger.

Elvis Mitchell
The New York Times may have fired his ass, but his quirky reviews were good enough for Harvard, NPR, and Columbia Pictures, where he now works as a movie exec. And you know what they say about the length of a man's dreds.

Chris Rovzar
In the words of the nominator, "Clearly not as big-time as AC but much hotter in my opinion. He was at Yale with me, so I got to admire him first-hand." This New York Daily News entertainment reporter is included for all you twink-lovers.

Andrew "Big Dick" Sullivan
That's not my nickname for him, that's how he was punningly nominated by a journalist friend of mine (but note how much wider apart his arms are than Elvis Mitchell's parallel gesture above -- and it's best to pretend you didn't even notice the span in the Linda Greenhouse photo). Sullivan is perhaps most famous for being daily derided in the tag line at the top of Left Behinds.
So... further nominations? Votes? Thoughts? I'd especially like to nominate other progressive journalists, since I had to hold my nose to type out the Andrew Sullivan nomination.
The winner will be announced in one week, so get voting.
UPDATE: Some people have questioned the gayness of a couple of the nominees (Elvis Mitchell and Patrick Healy). I am merely repeating the nominations as relayed to me. As far as Mitchell, the journalist/writer who nominated claims that EM is "totally out of the closet," but who really knows.
UPDATE II: We've received hundreds of votes (thanks for the link, Jossip), and the top four as of 9 p.m. 7/12, in descending order, are Richard Kim, Patrick Healy, Linda Greenhouse, and Christopher Bollen. Keep sending your votes, or put them in the comments.
UPDATE III: Some Gawker gumshoes have fact-checked this post and determined that both Andrew Sullivan and Linda Greenhouse actually reside in the DC metro area (Greenhouse with his longtime companion Eugene Fidell, whose rarely-snapped pic I will pay good money for). It breaks my heart (Greenhouse was in second place!), but unless I can ascertain that Greenhouse and Sullivan share a Chelsea pied-a-terre, they are both disqualified.
Anyhow, voting ends Wednesday night, so keep voting. With Greenhouse out of the picture, it is on.
UPDATE IV: As of Thursday afternoon July 20, voting has ended, and the results are in. We have a winner.
After brainstorming with friends and colleagues at the Left Behinds headquarters (actually a BBQ in Park Slope this Saturday, along with a follow-up mass drunkemail), we came up with some initial nominees. Please vote or nominate others either in the comments or via email.
Without further ado, the 2006 nominees, in alphabetical order:

Christopher Bollen
This editor of V Magazine, art critic for Artforum, The Believer, and the New York Times, and Number One Fan of Joan Didion was spotted on Gay Pride Sunday watching fireworks with an almost impossibly hot young man with a shaved head, so it is unclear if he is single. However, Me Magazine seems to think he's hot, so you might, too.

Anderson Cooper
I hesitate to include him, because his giggle attack on the Daily Show has apparently endeared him to everyone to the left of Mary Cheney, and I'm afraid he might be the runaway winner. For me, "hot" includes longstanding, reliable progressive values, and I for one don't buy the Katrina crocodile tears of this former host of The Mole and epigone of the Vanderbilt dynasty. But you guys are the nominators... All I can do is try to choose ridiculous photos.

David France
This contributor to New York Magazine and author of a bestseller about the sins of the Catholic Church was actually nominated by another of this year's nominees. Might this contest become the Super Sperm Club of Gay New York?

Linda Greenhouse
He's been writing about the Supreme Court at the New York Times for years now, you've enjoyed his punditry on PBS's News Hour, and the only question remaining is: are the rumors true that he's gay? We're not sure, but we're going to cross our fingers and include him.

Patrick Healy
This New York Times political reporter won me over the first time he traded barbs with some right-wing nutjob on NY1's Inside City Hall. He's like the hotter, smarter Ben Affleck. Oh, and he kind of always looks like he partied too hard the night before, yet is reliably clever.

Richard Kim
This Nation contributor and leading light of the queer left is writing a book about sex and empire, and one of our nominators suggested he "wouldn't mind some nation-building from" RK. Keep it PG-13, tiger.

Elvis Mitchell
The New York Times may have fired his ass, but his quirky reviews were good enough for Harvard, NPR, and Columbia Pictures, where he now works as a movie exec. And you know what they say about the length of a man's dreds.

Chris Rovzar
In the words of the nominator, "Clearly not as big-time as AC but much hotter in my opinion. He was at Yale with me, so I got to admire him first-hand." This New York Daily News entertainment reporter is included for all you twink-lovers.

Andrew "Big Dick" Sullivan
That's not my nickname for him, that's how he was punningly nominated by a journalist friend of mine (but note how much wider apart his arms are than Elvis Mitchell's parallel gesture above -- and it's best to pretend you didn't even notice the span in the Linda Greenhouse photo). Sullivan is perhaps most famous for being daily derided in the tag line at the top of Left Behinds.
So... further nominations? Votes? Thoughts? I'd especially like to nominate other progressive journalists, since I had to hold my nose to type out the Andrew Sullivan nomination.
The winner will be announced in one week, so get voting.
UPDATE: Some people have questioned the gayness of a couple of the nominees (Elvis Mitchell and Patrick Healy). I am merely repeating the nominations as relayed to me. As far as Mitchell, the journalist/writer who nominated claims that EM is "totally out of the closet," but who really knows.
UPDATE II: We've received hundreds of votes (thanks for the link, Jossip), and the top four as of 9 p.m. 7/12, in descending order, are Richard Kim, Patrick Healy, Linda Greenhouse, and Christopher Bollen. Keep sending your votes, or put them in the comments.
UPDATE III: Some Gawker gumshoes have fact-checked this post and determined that both Andrew Sullivan and Linda Greenhouse actually reside in the DC metro area (Greenhouse with his longtime companion Eugene Fidell, whose rarely-snapped pic I will pay good money for). It breaks my heart (Greenhouse was in second place!), but unless I can ascertain that Greenhouse and Sullivan share a Chelsea pied-a-terre, they are both disqualified.
Anyhow, voting ends Wednesday night, so keep voting. With Greenhouse out of the picture, it is on.
UPDATE IV: As of Thursday afternoon July 20, voting has ended, and the results are in. We have a winner.
At 8:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
What?!? No Shepard Smith nominee???
At 9:03 PM,
Solomon Grundy said…
Heh, I only received that nomination (from you, I believe) an hour ago. He'll make it into the final round of nominees.
At 9:19 PM,
Antid Oto said…
I think Andrew Sullivan should be disqualified on the basis that he's about as much a journalist as I am.
At 9:22 PM,
Solomon Grundy said…
I have to admit I don't make an effort to read his scribblings, but I occasionally notice him reprinted on the editorial page of the New York Press or the like. I'm pretty sure he still writes for a living...
I think he should be disqualified because he's a right-wing, testosterone-addled dickhead.
At 9:22 PM,
Solomon Grundy said…
New York Post, I meant.
At 1:54 AM,
Solomon Grundy said…
Anyhow, looking at the pics again, and based purely on hotness, I'm leaning toward Healy and Greenhouse...
At 7:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
choire sicha is totally yummy
At 7:51 PM,
Solomon Grundy said…
Is he? I've never seen a pic. I'll investigate...
At 8:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
elvis looks devilish and semi frightening.
i met a VERY cute boy from Interview mag by the name of justin conner , connor? recently
he should be up ehre
At 12:26 PM,
Dwight Supremacy said…
I think I'm ready to vote now… for daddy Andrew "Big Dick" Sullivan. Since my non-intellectual self digs this hot bear, maybe now I'll actually check out his blog. ;)
At 1:47 PM,
Unknown said…
I am very excited for the results of the votes. I hope Anderson Cooper wins, I met him a few weeks ago in Boston. In fact, you can read about it on my blog, I'll include the link to my post.
Well keep up the good work,
At 3:25 PM,
Solomon Grundy said…
Heh, duly noted.
Anderson Cooper has had a surge today in the voting (I had always thought he was going to be the frontrunner, so I'm surprised it's taken this long).
At 3:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
I vote for Anderson Cooper
At 6:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
Itay Hod on Logo
At 3:48 PM,
Solomon Grundy said…
Oh, and Birdknowledge, I am not going to disqualify AC merely because he's closeted. The contest is open to journalists who are "living in the New York area who identify or can be identified as gay, bi, queer, etc."
And anyhow, if he wins, the sheer magnitude of the honor might inspire him to finally acknowledge the obvious.
At 5:24 PM,
Dave Hughes said…
Andrew Sullivan should be disqualified because he lives in DC.
At 5:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
My vote's for Rovzar. Such a cutie, and secretly one of the best bloggers on my daily read list.
At 5:32 PM,
Solomon Grundy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
At 5:39 PM,
Solomon Grundy said…
We have just received a nomination for New York Magazine writer Jacob Bernstein.
In the nominator's words, "he's easy on the eyes (but not on the nose - he goes to my gym and seems to have a relaxed policy regarding showers) - also has parents arguably more famous than the Coop's."
In this pic he does look a little hygiene-challenged. But cute.
At 6:03 PM,
Solomon Grundy said…
Damn, and he's number 2 in the rankings!
Well, unless I can determine that he and Andrew Sullivan have a NYC pied a terre together, I will have to (reluctantly) disqualify both of them.
At 6:07 PM,
ted said…
When did Elvis Mitchell become gay? Wasn't he rumored to have had affairs with FEMALE students?
At 6:16 PM,
Solomon Grundy said…
Hm, you're the second person to question EM's queerness. I was just going on the word of the nominator, an editor at Vogue. Then again, she also nominated Andre Leon Talley, which I had to veto purely on the grounds of good taste.
Is it possible Elvis is bi? He's got that devilish, "I'd fuck a jack-o-lantern if it looked at me right" gleam to his eye.
At 6:18 PM,
Solomon Grundy said…
(Talley, btw, is a sweetheart -- he's just not right for this contest)
At 6:19 PM,
Dave Hughes said…
In Sullivan's bio posted on his blog, the last reference to where he lives is "In 1990, he returned to Washington, D.C., where he free-lanced for the Telegraph and started a monthly column for Esquire."
He definitely lives in DC, and I don't think he even makes it up to NYC that often. DQ!
At 6:21 PM,
Solomon Grundy said…
I had to delete this comment because it was fucking up the format of this whole post, but here it is, properly formatted:
"Anonymous said...
"[Linda Greenhouse] lives in Bethesda, MD, with her husband, Eugene Fidell.
7:01 PM"
At 6:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
And what about Sports Anchor Chris Wragge on WCBS-TV??? He's better looking than AC, in my opinion.
I know, I know... He's not out of the closet YET but prolly will be as soon as his sham marriage to that Swedish Playmate of the Year is officially over.
At 7:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
Obviously Patrick Healy! I'm a girl and damn, is he hot.
At 11:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
i submit my vote for coop, that lovely closted little man that one can't help but want to smash up against a lavatory door to have one's wicked way with.
At 8:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
I vote for Richard Kim. With Linda Greenhouse a close second.
At 9:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dan Abrams!!!!!!!!!
At 9:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
How could not include Shep? I think he is near the top with Anderson
At 11:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
Well, since I had a very hot, sexy dream about Anderson Cooper last night while I was sleeping I vote for him. How I wish that dream were for real. And how I wish someone would flush that Andrew Sullivan turd down a toilet.
At 1:23 PM,
Matt said…
Jeanne Moos. Best-looking of the ladies and funniest of all of them.
At 2:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
Vote for : Anderson Cooper! Just so that we can get him to admit it!
At 3:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
Vote for: Chris Rovzar!
At 3:57 PM,
ted said…
Oh, and some nominees: Steve Bartelstein (who is SO hot in person), Sam Champion (hahahahaha), and the very, very, very, very dreamy Jay DeDapper. He good DeDapp me any time.
Oh, all are confirmed G.A.Y.
At 4:18 PM,
Chris said…
Bollen gets my vote.
At 5:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
I like Rovzar too, but I would have included Bill Hemmer. I work at FNC and there's no way that he isn't gay, considering the number of times I've caught him checking me out.
At 6:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anderson Cooper!!!
At 8:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anderson Cooper totally!
Joe from Virginia Beach
At 8:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
definitely Chris Rovzar
At 10:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
This survey needs to be put out of its misery. Get lives, all of you, and stop trying to make stars out of so-called journalists. Anderson Cooper is a bore and this is all just lame.
At 11:09 PM,
Kenneth M. Walsh said…
Doesn't Elvis Mitchell live in Boston?
At 11:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
This is all unbelievably pathetic. How about making a list about the "best" or "most influential" gay journalists? Isn't it more important to recognize the members of our community who've made a difference in the world of journalism/news commentary? (These pioneers are, after all, making strides to express our point of view in the most popular forums for public discourse.) It's sad to see that we have to rate these members of our community based on their appearances, rather than the content, quality, and influence of their work.
At 1:14 AM,
Antid Oto said…
That's an excellent idea, anonymous. And you know what? The Web's a free medium. Why don't you start the contest you want to see? You can even post a link to it here.
At 10:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
Excuse me...where is Jason Bellini?!!!
At 11:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
Pat Healy ALL THE WAY!!! He's the man!
At 3:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
Come on, what about Jesse Green?
At 6:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
You forgot Jess Cagle! What were you thinking? Hot & smart & PC - won a GLAAD award...
At 7:05 PM,
Solomon Grundy said…
Sorry. You're right, he is cute.
At 6:00 AM,
buff said…
David France gets my vote.
At 7:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
What happened to Chris Wragge's nomination? First he's listed and now he's not. :(
At 3:27 PM,
Solomon Grundy said…
Chris Wragge's candidacy is in the post about the results, since he was a write-in candidate.
At 7:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
Don't think Elvis Mitchell is gay. I know too many women who have slept with him. Unless he's had the famous midlife gay revelation, I don't buy it.
At 9:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
How do gay employees of the New York Post feel about working at an
institution that portrays homosexuals as a bunch of whiny gay boys ,not to mention effeminate
sodomites? Is the newsroom as uncomfortable a place for them as the paper's
frequent gay-baiting might suggest?
By the do they ever publish any hot steamy gay sex stories ?
At 8:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
Patrick D. Healy has been a political reporter with the
New York Times since 2005.
In 2004, Healy covered Democratic Massachusetts Sen.
John Kerry's 2004 presidential campaign for the skinny twink
Gazette from Boston.
"From November 2001 to January 2002, Healy was on assignment
in Afghanistan covering twink movies, regional politics" for the Boston Globe.
According to an August 2003 American Society of Newspaper Editors
article on Healy, who was then "higher education reporter" at the
Boston Globe, he earned a Bachelor’s degree in English from
Tufts University. His previous work experience included general
assignment reporter with Foster’s Daily Democrat (Dover, NH),
political reporter with the Union Leader (Manchester, NH),
and as senior editor for twink porn Chronicles.
At 3:00 PM,
Sildenafil said…
honestly I had never heard of this peculiar award, but I think that nowadays there are many silly annual awards like this one and it was not a surprise to read about this
At 2:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
Elvis Mitchell is so gay. He doesn't even know it. He's in denial about it. That's why he doesn't ever stay with one woman because he's masking his gayness. Finally a blog that has announced it. He's just as bad as Tyler Perry with hiding his gayness. Aren't all film people that are black gay? Lee Daniels? Spike Lee and John Singleton aren't gay though. ELVIS YOU ARE GAY AND ITS OKAY!
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